Ivy and Zo boxer dogs swimming playing book cover

Ivy and Zo: The Swimming, Cuddling, Toy-Loving Boxer Dogs

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Ivy and Zo boxer dogs book cover

Ivy and Zo are brindle boxer dog siblings who love each other, playing, swimming, and cuddling with their human family. Read about their experiences and adventures in this children’s book about our two boxers, who spent their first four years of their lives in sunny Florida where they swam daily in their pool, ran around by the ocean, chased lizards, and sun-bathed daily. As boxer dogs, they are high energy so they do a lot in a small amount of time from walks to swimming, then a walk, a car ride, chewing on a bone, and can’t forget about naps!

You can read their story in paperback or Kindle!

About the author

Lisa Weinberger is Ivy and Zo’s “mom”. She began her career as a freelance writer and K-12 educator where she spent many years helping learning disabled students. Due to an illness, Lisa made a career decision that took her into the world of digital marketing and freelance consulting. Educating individuals online is how she continued to help others through online college teaching writing and digital marketing while maintaining a career in digital marketing. Specifically, Lisa specializes in SEO and content strategy and how a multi-channel marketing approach brings in the correct traffic that converts into profit.

When Lisa isn’t playing with Ivy and Zo or recording their many videos to share on social media, she’s advocating for rare disease patients (including herself). She enjoys time spent with family and friends.

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