Ivy and Zo playing with toys

How many times a day do you walk your boxer?

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My Energetic Boxers Needs Their Daily Walks

Hey there, fellow dog lovers! If you’ve ever owned a boxer, you know just how much energy these muscular goofballs have. Our boxers, Ivy and Zo, are no exception; they are total spitfires who need their regular walks and playtime to stay happy and healthy. So just how many times a day do I take my high-energy brindle boxer siblings out for a stroll? Let me break it down for you.

Ivy and Zo in play stance

The Morning Marathon

Like most dogs, they wake up very excited first thing in the morning after holding it all night. I’m usually still lying in bed when the boxing begins (on my face). Then, while sipping my coffee, Ivy starts doing her crazy zoomies around the living room. That’s my cue that it’s time for the first walk of the day! We head out for what I call the “morning marathon”—a nice long 30-minute walk around the neighborhood. This gives Ivy and Zo a chance to sniff all the smells, say hi to the other morning dog walkers, and get some good exercise to start their day. By the time we get back home, they want to play more, so out they go into the backyard to do some boxing. Then, after about 20 minutes, they come inside and are ready for a nap.

The Lunchtime Quickie

Of course, that morning nap doesn’t last too long for my high-energy pup. Around lunchtime, Ivy and Zo are bright-eyed and raring to go again. This time, we just do a quick 10-15 minute walk around the block to allow them to potty and stretch their legs. I try to mix up the routes we take so they get some mental stimulation too. Boxers are smart dogs who get bored easily, so keeping the walks interesting helps keep them engaged. Some times we have conversations; other days, I sing to them.

Ivy and Zo walking on leash in a park

The Evening Exploration

After I finish work, it’s time for another walk — the evening exploration! This is usually a longer 30- to 40-minute meander where we might explore a new trail or just wander around a different neighborhood. Ivy and Zo love to people-watch and check out new sights and smells. By the time we get back home in the evening, they has gotten their fill of walking for the day. We’ll play some games inside, have some training sessions, and then they both zonk out on the couch or our bed for the rest of the night.

A Tired Boxer Is a Happy Boxer

So there you have it: on an average day, Ivy and Zo go for three good walks, totaling around 1–1.5 hours of walking time. Depending on the day and weather, it may be a play session or a swim instead of a walk. Of course, we mix it up on the weekends with even more adventures and hiking. The key to keeping these high-energy goofballs happy and healthy is making sure they get plenty of daily exercise and mental stimulation. A tired boxer is a happy boxer—and a happy owner too!

Zo Bear a happy boy boxer

What about you? How much walking does your pup need per day? I’d love to hear about your experiences caring for these wonderful but demanding boxers!

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